
<That person's Chill/Zone switch> Explore Gong meditation guide Mana's brain wave switch.

Are you familiar with the meditation technique called "Gong Meditation"? This is a new style of meditation that involves using a gong, a bronze instrument, to create a continuous rhythmic sound at regular intervals. As the space resonates with the beautiful sound and subtle vibrations of the gong, one enters a meditative state.

Mana was one of the first to introduce Gong Meditation in Japan and is actively working as a Gong Meditation guide, primarily in the Kamakura area. Simultaneously, Mana serves as the proprietor of "Mana & Co.," an Well-being and Self-awareness brand.

This time, using VIE Chill/Zone, I had the opportunity to peek into Mana's brainwaves, revealing distinctive features unique to a Gong Meditation guide.


Mana's Chill method/Zone method


Chill Method 1: Take a leisurely stroll through the tranquil streets of Kamakura.
Chill Method 2: Enjoy tea time while gazing at the greenery outside from the window of your home-studio.
Zone Method 1: Work in a cafe while listening to your favorite playlist.
Zone Method 2: Paint on a canvas, fully immersed in the creative process.


People have a tendency to synchronize their autonomic nervous system with those around them. When they want to relax, they are often drawn to places with a laid-back atmosphere, and when they want to focus, they tend to gravitate towards places where people are actively engaged in work.


--- In your work as a gong meditation guide, are there any relaxation methods that you consciously incorporate on a daily basis?

I often conduct sessions not only for private lessons but also for corporate training. As a result, there are frequent online meetings for discussions and planning related to these sessions.

In such situations, I always make sure to take a walk outside. Since our autonomic nervous systems have a mechanism for collaborative regulation, when people around us are walking slowly or taking it easy, our own nerves tend to relax in sync with that.

The town of Kamakura, where I live, doesn't have many people rushing around, and there are many visitors enjoying themselves. It's just right for me. I intentionally don't listen to music and take a stroll while enjoying the ambient sounds of the town, such as the sounds of the streets and the singing of birds.


--- Was the surrounding environment a deciding factor in choosing Kamakura as your base?

Originally living in Singapore, when I decided to return to Japan, I didn't have a strong image of living in Tokyo. It was also the timing to launch a well-being company, so I thought it would be nice to have a place where I could always be in a "well" state myself.

I happened to be assisted by a female entrepreneur, and she generously offered to lend me a space in Kamakura. With this serendipitous connection, I decided to move to Kamakura.

After moving, the COVID-19 pandemic hit. During the period when I was pondering what to do with my work, looking at the sea often made me think, "Things will somehow work out." I feel that choosing Kamakura was a good decision.

This place serves as both my home and studio. Just sitting by the window and gazing at the greenery makes me feel so relaxed – it's pure CHILL.

Even when I go to sleep at night, it feels like I'm enveloped in a forest, creating a comforting and serene sensation.

--- You don't even have curtains on!

Yes, that's right! (lol) I don't have curtains because only birds or squirrels would be able to see inside, so I figured I don't really need them. It's a compact space, but very calming.


---On the other hand, are there any methods you use when you want to concentrate?

When there's a task I find challenging, I often switch my mode by going to cafes or places where people are working. When I want to concentrate, I also listen to specific playlists like "Deep Focus" on Spotify while working.

Mana's favorite playlist ]

When I'm engaged in various tasks and my mind becomes overloaded with information, sometimes I feel the need to reset. In those moments, I turn to drawing. Drawing allows my mind to empty, and I can concentrate in a clear state, providing a refreshing experience.

--- Mr. Mana, speaking of gongs, is there any way to change your mind before starting a gong meditation session?

Before a session, I have established rules to avoid stirring up my consciousness. About an hour before, I avoid scheduling any engagements with people and refrain from listening to intense music. By doing so, I believe I unconsciously switch the mode of my brainwaves.

Since the state of my nerves is conveyed to the participants through the sound of the gong, I make sure to adjust myself to enter a relaxation mode.

At the beginning of the session, while guiding participants through breathing exercises, I believe I am very focused. Having conducted sessions thousands of times, the words flow naturally from my mouth, but occasionally, I find my consciousness drifting. It might be a kind of "zone" state.


In life, there are times when the bass is "on" and times when it is "off." It is important to have a good balance

--- Were you good at switching your consciousness before you started doing gong meditation?

Currently, I find myself in an environment where I can switch to the "off" mode, so I am basically always relaxed. When it comes to work, I approach it with the mindset of switching to the "on" mode.

Before I started guiding Gong Meditation, I was working vigorously in Singapore. During that time, my brain default was in the "on" state, and it was often challenging to fully switch to the "off" mode, even when sleeping. Discovering Gong Meditation during that period provided me with a forced but effective way to transition to the "off" state.

I don't think one is better than the other, and I think that depending on the phase of your life, there is a time when you are actively active based on the "on" period, and a time when you are based on the "off" period and take time to face yourself. I think if you don't go back and forth between "on" and "off," you won't be able to maintain a balance, so both are important.

This time, we used VIE Chill/Zone to measure Mana's brainwaves in the Chill state and Zone state.

--- How did you feel about measuring your own brain waves?

That's fascinating! Since I started conducting Gong Meditation sessions, I've noticed that I can easily slip into a meditative state. After measuring my brainwaves, seeing it as not just a sensation but also as numerical data has given me more confidence.

When I used to think, "Let's meditate" or "Let's clear my mind," my brain would start working again. However, once I grasped the sensation of my brain switching, I could easily enter the meditation mode without effort. I believe VIE Chill/Zone serves as a practice for that.

Totonou Music's immersive experience is remarkable. It's not something you often encounter with regular earphones. Even after finishing listening, there's still a subtle vibration in the brain. I hope many people get the chance to experience it!


--- Mana, thank you very much for today!

By grasping the sensation of switching the brain's mode, Mana is adept at effortlessly manipulating relaxation and concentration. Listening to Mana's soothing voice in a relaxed, green-surrounded space has brought a calming effect to our hearts as we conduct this interview.

In VIE Magazine, we will continue to introduce Chill methods and Zone methods from individuals excelling in various fields. Stay tuned for the next edition!

Mana Ogawa 


Mana&Co. Co., Ltd. Representative Director/Gong Meditation® Guide

After approximately 12 years of experience in the human resources industry both in Japan and overseas, he established Mana & Co., Ltd. with the desire to support the potential of people and organizations in a more holistic manner, and became the representative director. He is a businessperson, an artist, and a pioneer who provided Japan's first Gong Meditation®, and his meditation guides that provide a deep sense of security to the recipients are popular. Recently, he has been working on various projects related to ``well-being'' of individuals and organizations, including planning and operating leadership training and self-awareness training for companies that approach from a physical and holistic perspective. . Our mission is to "instill the original energy in individuals and organizations." His clients include many executives and business leaders active in various industries, including listed companies and famous foreign companies.