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The User Guide for VIE Tunes

VIE Tunes is a cutting-edge brain-tuning music app that seamlessly combines neuro-technology and music in a new era. Utilizing scientifically proven Neuro Music that influences the brain, it offers a music experience that sets it apart from regular music apps, as if it were crafted exclusively for you.

In this article, we will provide information to enhance your enjoyment of 'VIE Tunes.'


1. What is Neuro Music?


First and foremost, it is essential to deepen the understanding of Neuro Music. Neuro Music is designed to influence the brain, guiding users towards the desired emotions and moods. It is crafted to align with the user's emotional preferences, shaping a musical experience that directly impacts the brain.

So, what exactly does it mean to "impact the brain"?

Our brains constantly emit faint electrical signals known as 'brainwaves.' The frequency of these brainwaves generally allows us to distinguish states such as 'relaxation' or 'focus,' providing an indication of our current mental state.

For instance, brainwaves at around 4-8 Hz, commonly referred to as theta waves, tend to become more active during a 'relaxed' state, while brainwaves in the 30-100 Hz range, known as gamma waves, tend to become more prominent during a state of 'focus.'

wave detail

Neuro Music is created by leveraging such characteristics. It is designed to modulate specific activities, such as theta waves or gamma waves, allowing users to select their desired mental states like 'relaxation' or 'focus.' Through this, Neuro Music provides music that guides the brain into the chosen state, offering users the ability to influence their mental state simply by selecting the desired condition.


2. How to use VIE Tunes


VIE Tunes is a brain-tuning music app where users can choose their 'current state' and 'desired state' using sliders. The Neuro Music in the app then guides the brain towards the selected 'desired state,' providing a unique brain-tuning experience.

The user interface is exceptionally simple, allowing users to trace and select from 5 levels of modes such as 'Relax' or 'Focus' using sliders. Alternatively, users can choose scenes like 'Work' or 'Meditation,' and Neuro Music tailored to those selections will play, guiding your brain into the appropriate state.

Furthermore, each time you open the app, artists are shuffled, allowing you to encounter new genres of Neuro Music. This adds variety to your experience, offering the opportunity to explore different neural soundscapes with each use.

3. Recommended usage scenarios


・When you want to concentrate while studying or working
・When you want to go into deep sleep
・When you want to relax (to accompany yoga or meditation)
・When you want to promote sauna comfort
・When you want to get into the zone while playing sports, etc.

▼App download

・iOS: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/id6466581026

・Android: Coming soon


▼Research paper 




▼VIE Tunes development story
